
Preferred Massage Therapy

Intuitive.  Trusted.  Treatments

Who we are to help you


Hi! I’m Gail, the massage therapist for Preferred Massage. We began as RNR Healings in 2004 offering Reflexology and Reiki. The other modalities we offer have taken form and been added since that time.

We are excited to have expanded into Corporate Contracts with Chair Massage to bring wellness right to your workplace. Chair Massage is very grounding, especially in an office setting, and it can invigorate and inspire new ideas and perspective for your career.

My Vision

Share my talents and First Nation gifts with people and companies who value them.

I believe we are all natural healers and as a healer I only facilitate your healing and I do that by holding space for you.  Within my massage room, I come into my own power and I hold space for you to come into yours.  It’s a beautiful process.

My mom

I feel I am guided by my intuitive gift for empathic healing, inherited from my First Nations mother.   (That’s my mom on the right). It is as if my hands have have an inspired intelligence of their own when I’m working with my clients’ energy. I can understand their needs, physical, emotional and spiritual.

My Mission Statement

Gather a team of heart-centered, positive, committed, coachable, professional and gifted Registered Massage Therapists who love massage and who thrive with excellence in accountability, teamwork, integrity, customer service, quality work and respect of others. To go out into offices and venues and provide tension relief to people and professionals giving them a ripple effect of healing in their lives.

I have also been intensely mentored and coached since 2012 and continue to be in success principles, overcoming beliefs and Universal laws.  I enrich this training with the intuitive insight to provide my clients with different, more enlightened perspectives, along with the enhanced massage therapy and energy healing I perform.